Gift Card

Gift cards are delivered by email and contain instructions to redeem them at checkout. Our gift cards have no additional processing fees: the recipient can redeem the entire amount you give them!

Gift Card FAQs

Here's some more info about our Gift Cards:

  • Does the entire amount need to be used at one time? - Nope! Use it over & over until it reaches a $0.00 balance.
  • Can it be applied to shipping + tax? - Yes
  • How long is it good for? - 5 years from date of purchase (we'll send you reminders of your balance)
  • Can I mail a physical Gift Card? - No (to limit our carbon footprint), but eCards work great!
  • Still have questions? - No sweat! Click on the chat icon in the lower-right of the screen or send us a message.

Plenty of Gift Options!

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